Showing posts with label Embracing Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Embracing Islam. Show all posts

Monday 5 October 2020

A Unique Revert Experience: Dialing 911 ends up Accepting Islam

More than a year ago when I started this blog, it was with the aim of knowing why non Muslims choose to embrace Islam, and sharing their experiences so that those mulling to take their final decision could be motivated by these experience and also join the ultimate truth that Islam shows to its adherents. 

There have many experience, each different from other though, with the sole aim of finding the truth, truth that will save them from the hellfire and end up in the paradise, a place of tranquility - a reward for those who chose to be Muslims.

The experience that I am sharing today is very unique from all the revert experience I have shared so far. I came across it by chance while viewing Islam related videos.  This experience is of a former Christian Sunday School Teacher Lisha Rasheeda Shaheen who recalls her journey to Islam. Her quest to know the truth led her to a sort of miracle, which she herself is unable to understand. Her journey started form asking questions from church leaders and finally ending up with a Muslim whom she asked to loan him his Quran so that she could compare it with Bible. 

What happened next, please watch the video in which sister Rasheeda recounts her captivating revert experience:
Disclaimer: The data / video for this post has been collected from the references as given below or YouTube. If any one differs with the material contained in this post, one may consult the references and their authors.  If someone has more material about the subject, he/she is most welcome to share in the comments box to make the post all encompassing.

To read personal accounts of many a celebrity who have reverted to Islam, please visit our page: Embracing Islam: Revert Experiences.

You may also refer to our Reference Pages for knowing more about Islam and Quran.
If you like Islam: My Ultimate Decision, and to keep yourself updated on all our latest posts to know more about Islam, follow us on Facebook

Please share this page to your friends and family members through Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp or any means on Social Media so that they can also be benefited by it and better understand Islam and the Holy Qur'an - Insha Allah (Allah Willing) you shall be blessed with the best of both worlds.

Saturday 26 January 2019

Yusuf Estes tells a Catholic why he Embraced Islam

Yusuf Estes who was born in a strong Christian family as Joseph Estes in 1944, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, has been a businessman and a preacher. He has  studied various religious cults along with Metaphysics, numerology and astrology in the early 1960s.  Estes converted from Christianity to Islam in 1991. Upon reversion to Islam in 1991, he found it very convenient to replace Joseph part of name to Yusuf, which is its exact in Arabic. Since his reversion, he is actively involved in Dawah, an obligatory duty of all Muslims to invite non Muslims to Islam.

Estes believes in the Salafi Islam, which advocates a return to the traditions of the salaf, the first three generations of Muslims, which include the generations of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad and his companions, their successors, and the successors of the successors.

His knowledge of Islamic thought, Christian concepts and Biblical background are well established. However, he does not claim to be an expert in ancient texts and manuscripts. He can however, be considered most reliable with regard to presentation of Islam into simple English language. Well known scholars from many Muslim countries have endorsed his projects and referred to him as most excellent in his presentations. [2]

His followers and others call him "Funny Shaikh" for his style of speech and making funny remarks and gestures. Yusuf Estes is loved by children and adults of all faiths. They delight to hear him entertain as he brings the pure message of Islam in simple English terms, and he makes it fun and easy to understand, while referring to Qur’an and teachings of Islam. [3]

Yusuf Estes believes that Bible has many contradictions, and that it an unreliable text. For his views that Muslims should celebrate Christmas and Jewish Happy Hanukkah and other issues, he was denied visa by the Singapore government in 2017. However despite many hurdles, he continues to extend Dawah go non Muslims. 

Estes is the founder and president of Guide US TV, a free-to-air Internet and satellite TV channel, which broadcasts programs about Islam.

His video talks and sessions are very enlightening and convincing. I had never listened to him before till this day when I came across this video in which a catholic female asked him as to why he became Muslim when he himself was a priest. His reply is most amazing and convincing for anyone who may have any wrong ideas or perceptions due to the teachings of the church.

Watch the video below:

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Please share this page to your friends and family members through Facebook, WhatsApp or any means on Social Media so that they can also be benefited by it and better understand Islam and the Holy Qur'an - Insha Allah (Allah Willing) you shall be blessed with the best of both worlds.

Tuesday 18 December 2018

A Christian convinced of mention of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) in Earlier Scriptures Embraces Islam

Those who seek the truth ultimately find the truth, no matter how much concealed or hidden from the ordinary people by the scholars or the religious clerics. Ordinary non Muslims have no idea how in hidden, referred or in open words, there have been many Divine messages that tell of prophet even after Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him).

Dr Zakir A Naik is one of the most prominent Muslim scholar of the present times, who has taken upon himself to clear doubts of non Muslims about Islam and the last prophet of Allah, Muhammad (ﷺ). Besides being authority on the Holy Qur'an, he is equally a competent authority on all earlier scriptures including the Old and New Testament, Bible and all holy scriptures of Hindus. He more often than not holds open congregations so that non Muslims could clarify from him any doubts that boggle their mind and clarity these in the light of relevant passages / surahs from the Holy Qur'an in reference to the context of other holy scriptures.

Recently I came across a video of Dr Zakir in which a Christian woman asked him a question regarding mention of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) in the earlier scriptures. The debate is worth listening to in the video given at the end of this post. The later part of the video is so emotional that I being a Muslim myself could not control my emotions and was all tears.

Scroll down for the video

However, before you scroll down for the video of a conversation between a Christian woman and Dr Zakir A Naik, let me quote here some mentions that tell of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) to come after the Prophet Jesus in some very clear indications. The most glaring evidence of coming of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)  by name is mentioned in  the Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16:
"Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Muhammadim Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem." 
The above verses in English mean: "His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem." In the Hebrew language "im" is added for respect. Similarly im is added after the name of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) to make it Muhammadim. In English translation they have even translated the name of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) as "altogether lovely", but in the Old Testament in Hebrew, the name of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) is yet present.

In the book of Isaiah It is mentioned in chapter 29 verse 12: 
"And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned."
And we all know that when the Angel Jibraeel (Gabriel) came to Muhammad and asked him to read (Iqra), Muhammad replied: replied, "I am not learned". This is something already predicted in the Book of Isaiah. [Read first five verses of Surah Al Alaq, Chapter 96]

There is yet another reference to Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) when Almighty God speaks to Moses in Book of Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 18:
"I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him."
Most of the Christians are of the view that this prophecy refers to Jesus (pbuh) because Jesus (pbuh) was like Moses (pbuh), both were prophets and Jews. But it may be pondered that if these two are the only criteria for this prophecy to be fulfilled, then all the Prophets of the Bible who came after Moses (pbuh) such as Solomon, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Malachi, John the Baptist, etc. (pbut) will fulfill this prophecy since all were Jews as well as prophets.

Dr Zakir A Nakik is of the view that from the point of view of Muslims it is Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) who is like Moses (pbuh):

  • Both had a father and a mother, while Jesus (pbuh) was born miraculously without any male intervention. [Mathew 1:18 and Luke 1:35 and also Al-Qur'an 3:42-47]
  • Both were married and had children. Jesus (pbuh) according to the Bible did not marry nor had children.
  • Both died natural deaths. Jesus (pbuh) has been raised up alive. (4:157-158)

As for the reference to "brethren", Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) is from among the brethren of Moses (pbuh) for they are the descendants of Prophet Ismail (Ishmael, son of Prophet Ibraheem, Abraham, peace be upon him) as were the Jews descendants of Isaac (pbuh), the other son of Prophet Ibraheem.

Since Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was unlettered, whatever revelations he received from Almighty God he repeated them verbatim. "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him." [Deuteronomy 18:18] It may also be noted that both Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and Prophet Moses (pbuh) were leader of their people or kings i.e. they could inflict capital punishment, whereas Jesus (pbuh) said, "My kingdom is not of this world." (John 18:36). Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and Prophet Moses (pbuh) brought new laws and new regulations for their people. Jesus (pbuh) according to the Bible did not bring   any new laws. (Mathew 5:17-18).

Both Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and Prophet Moses (pbuh) were accepted as Prophets by their people in their lifetime but Jesus (pbuh) was rejected by his people. John chapter 1 verse 11 states, "He came unto his own, but his own received him not."

Here some authentic references that confirm what has been written in the Holy Quran. In the Holy Qur'an it is mentioned in Chapter 61 Verse 6:
"And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said, 'O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmed.' But when he came to them with clear signs, they said, 'This is evident sorcery!' "
"Ahmed" or "Muhammad" meaning "the one who praises" or "the praised one" is almost the translation of the Greek word Periclytos. In the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, and 16:7. The word 'Comforter' is used in the English translation for the Greek word Paracletos which means advocate or a kind friend rather than a comforter.  Paracletos is the warped reading for Periclytos. Jesus (pbuh) actually prophesied Ahmed by name. Even the Greek word Paraclete refers to the Prophet (pbuh) who is a mercy for all creatures.

Now read the prophecies mentioned in the Old Testament regarding Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) besides applying to the Jews also hold good for the Christians.
  • John chapter 14 verse 16: "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever."
  • Gospel of John chapter 15 verse 26: "But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which  proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me."
  • Gospel of John chapter 16 verse 7: "Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you".
  • Gospel of John chapter 16 verse 12-14"I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth is  come, he will guide you unto all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he     speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me".
Some Christians say that the Comforter mentioned in these prophecies refers to the Holy Spirit. They fail to realize that the prophecy clearly says that only if Jesus (pbuh) departs will the Comforter come. The Bible states that the Holy Spirit was already present on earth before and during the time of Jesus (pbuh), in the womb of Elizabeth, and again when Jesus (pbuh) was being baptized, etc. Hence this prophecy refers to none other than Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

Lately, however, there is also awakening among Christians to come to realize that Qur'an is book of God and Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was a messenger just like the earlier prophets:
Unfortunately, we have for the most part completely ignored the unity of the Gospel and the Qur’an in terms of their common revelatory source.  However, if we take Jesus’ words seriously, we have the opportunity to receive the Word of God in the Qur’an in accordance with Jesus’ promise that the Spirit of Truth “will take what is mine and declare it to you.”  We can accept the Qur’an as a revelation, not in opposition to the Gospel, but in unity with the Gospel and the will of Jesus.  [7]
I am sure one day the majority Christians will find much more in the Holy Qur'an that substantiate what has been revealed earlier and that would foster more harmony and love between the people of the Books.

May Allah bless with the ability to know and acknowledge the truth and come under the fold of Islam - the final and the ultimate Godly religion that was given to through the last of the prophets Muhammad (ﷺ).

Note: This post is based on information contained in the references given below and are generally based on the interpretations of Holy Scriptures by Dr Zakir A Naik. Should anyone fell differently, he/she may contact the learned scholar for details.

To read personal accounts of many a celebrity who have reverted to Islam, please visit our page: Embracing Islam: Revert Experiences.

You may also refer to our Reference Pages for knowing more about Islam and Quran.

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Please share this page to your friends and family members through Facebook, WhatsApp or any means on Social Media so that they can also be benefited by it and better understand Islam and the Holy Qur'an - Insha Allah (Allah Willing) you shall be blessed with the best of both worlds.

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Kristiane Verena Backer 's Journey to Islam

Many centuries ago a man in his forties stood in front of the most powerful people of Makkah and proclaimed to them that he had been chosen by the Creator of the universe to be His prophet to spread His divine message to them so that they leave the life of polytheism, invited them to monotheism and to start worshiping none but one and the only Allah. He was not only mocked and laughed at by his audience but was severely ridiculed, teased and bodily harmed along with his meager companions to an extent that he was forced to leave Makkah and emigrated to Medina.  And from then on, his small group of devotees who chose to follow their new faith started to swell and a time came that they all under the patronage of that lone man, now called Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the prophet of Allah, entered Makkah to make it home of Islam.

And from then on, there has been no stopping people from embracing Islam and today, Alhamdollilah, Islam is not only the second largest religion after Christianity, but many non Muslims fear that one day it may overtake the Christianity - and the day doesn't seem to be very far.

In a series of posts on personal accounts of non Muslims reverting to Islam, I have tried to put across personal experiences and reasons why they chose to be Muslims. Each personal account is worth reading. 

While I shared experiences of ordinary people, I also shared personal account of famous Irish singer Sinead O'Connor. Today I am adding one more celebrity with a moving account from how from a top TV anchor and DJ of famous MTV Europe, the German born Kristiane Verena Backer, who proudly embraced Islam.

At the age of 24 Kristiane became one of the leading presenters on MTV Europe where she interviewed many celebrities, major artists and musicians of her time. But then came one person who changed the entire complexion of her future life. 
Kristiane Verena Backer with Imran Khan [Photo]

This man is Imran Khan, then a young talented cricketer and captain of Pakistan cricket team, and presently the prime minister of Pakistan. During their three years' association, Imran Khan gave her a number of books on Islam and she even traveled to Pakistan with him. And reading the books on Islam made her change and take shahada in 1995 and converted to Sunni branch of Islam after living here previous life as a devout Protestant. 

“I was convinced. I converted because I wanted to bring God into my life, and I wanted to purify myself to taste the spiritual fruits I was reading about,” she once told the HuffingtonPost.
I could narrate her experience and how she reached at this critical decision of her life, but it would be much better if you listen to her telling an audience about her journey to Islam. Her life experience provides a jump pad for those who have been inspired by Islam through reading books on Islam or interacting with Muslims, to take their decision to find the ultimate truth of their lives in Islam.

Please watch a video of Kristiane Verena Backer in which she reveals her journey form her hay days of early life to the pinnacle of career with MTV and then taking her ultimate decision to become a Muslimah.  And this video can is so adsorbing, listening to a high profile show biz presenter and celebrity to bow down to oneness of Allah and change her high profile life to that of a devout Muslim. I would say it is a must listen-to video for those who are aspiring to embrace to Islam - this will surely guide them how it feels like taking one big step of their lives into the realm of blessings of Allah.

Please watch the video:

In 2001, she performed Umrah when she visited Madinah and in 2006 performed Hajj rituals after which she wrote her famous book “From MTV to Makkah: How Islam Inspired My Life,” she wrote about her eventful journey from entertainment to ‘inner-tainment’.. And she very proudly claims that she feel elevated and blessed for being a Muslim. Backer now lives in London and works as a fine art consultant.

I commend her for her boldness to step down from the ladder of show biz and start climbing another ladder at the end of which is shining the heavenly light that changes one's life for ever and for good. For whenever takes the first step on the ladder, the entire perspective of life changes and a new meaning is given to one's aspirations, life and goals. May Allah bless her the best of both worlds. Aameen.

To read personal accounts of many a celebrity who have reverted to Islam, please visit our page: Embracing Islam: Revert Experiences.

You may also refer to our Reference Pages for knowing more about Islam and Quran.

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Please share this page to your friends and family members through Facebook, WhatsApp or any means on Social Media so that they can also be benefited by it and better understand Islam and the Holy Qur'an - Insha Allah (Allah Willing) you shall be blessed with the best of both worlds.

Sunday 25 November 2018

The Long and Winding Road (for Reverts)

Taking one's ultimate decision to accept Islam is just the tip of the iceberg for after taking one's shahada one is to travel a very long and winding road to keep one's newly acquired faith. In fact the life before taking the decision of reversion is very exciting as one has not tasted yet the tests and difficulties one would have to embrace and encounter after entering one's new faith. I have been reading many personal accounts of the those who reverted to Islam and found that their initial few years have been very tiring for suddenly the entire perception of life changes: From a carefree life lived for many years without following any rules, one suddenly finds himself bound in the rules of modest life, far from fanfares and sparking lights.

Thus I thought to write a few hazards of life after Shahada which if not braved with determination and resilience may leave one clueless and demoralize. And this is the stage when some lose heart and give in to the pressure from those near and dear ones of the older faith to fall back, yet again.

So before one takes one's ultimate decision to embrace Islam, one has to be prepared for the long and winding road that lays ahead and how to finally find the straight path to the truth. Reading one's account of reversion, I came to know a struggle and understanding Islam for almost ten long years before one took the decision to change faith. So one should not hurry up in changing one's faith of birth or thereafter to Islam as an emotional outburst - rather it should be a very cool and calculated decision weighing pros and cons of reversion and seeking answers to all question which a non Muslim can have, like the concept of Trinity, Original Sin and Baptism, and crucification of the Prophet Eesa, the Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. .

Now once the shahada has been taken, the life full of tests begins for which one should be adequately prepared by interacting with those who have been blessed with this reversion earlier. Herein under I append a few hurdles and tests along the winding road that one would immediately, which though would grow lesser and lesser as time goes by, but new tests creep in for which one should be mentally ready. 
  • The first test is that of Loneliness. No sooner the news is broken, there is a sudden pull back of all near and dear ones, specially friends of decades, for obviously no one is prepared for a sudden outburst of shock wave that follow after the revelation of one's decision. Remember this the first test to ascertain your steadfastness and be assured that "No one is tested beyond their capability." If one has read the Muslim history before reversion, one would find how families were separated, sons from fathers and how the newly reverted were cornered and even tortured. But they all stood the test of time and were at last victorious. In once case one reverted lamented that before she took shahada, there were many Muslims around her or even attending her shahada taking ceremony. But soon after that the crowd went away for they had their jobs and families to attend to. Well that is obvious - everyone was trying to show here the path to the truth and when it was taken, it was a solo move forward. But I am sure one can always bank on the support of a few friends to move on.
  • The Fallout on Parents is rather strong. Those who have reverted feel bad when their parents are being questioned by their relatives as to what weakness or shortcomings they had accrued in the bringing up of their children that resulted into leaving their faith of birth. Many feel responsible for the plight of their parents and a scene of remorse prevails on them which is sometimes very demoralizing.
  • Losing Relations is most painful. In many personal accounts, I find such lamentations. In one case the reverted sister was robbed of her children and the judge at the court gave her two options: Come back to your faith you have left or lose your children. And I salute that sister who stood to her ground and gave away her children to her husband with a bleeding heart. It was after many years that Allah rewarded her for her steadfastness and not only her husband but children too embraced Islam and the family was reunited.
  • Facing Intense Islamophobia is interestedly painful. One is followed, abused and even threatened and attacked by people who were their very own. Many people often take the reverted Muslims as radicals and jihadis. Though it is just a few who become radical for they may have had reverted by a group of extremists Muslims. 
  • Losing jobs is one of the many threats that one faces, specially females because of their adherence to wearing khimar or the most commonly known hijab. One may have to find ways and means to adjust one's new attire in an environment where it is generally accepted but detested by some. One has to be very cool about it and may have to wade one's through with utmost care.
  • Confronting many brands of Islam may surprise you. While one may me interacting with a select group before embracing Islam, one would come across many brands of Islam when one is in it. This should not distract you. In fact one should concentrate on the basics without going into too many details for there are always different interpretations of the same verse of Qur'an or Hadith. I for myself, though being a Muslim by birth, have never aliened myself to any brands. Become a practical Muslim and concentrate on basics that can take you through for many initial years. Of course by reading and differentiating between these brands by logic and discussions, one may adopt one particular brand. But ask me, it is not must at all.
  • Changing names? Well one should not be in a hurry to adopt a Muslim name, which are mostly in Arabic, for Arabic is the language of Qur'an. But one must understand that name gives one's identity as a Muslim - so take time and may decide at your convenience when to to do it for a non Muslim name may be misleading at certain places which may embarrass a host or even yourself.
I could go on for list is very long and many sites can offer more details on the subject. Just remember that Islam is a  beautiful and wonderful way of life for it has been set forth for us by none other than Allah. So from day one must try to adopt a life which is according to the dictates of Islam. and remember, radicalism is certainly not what Islam teaches us or becoming out rightly emotional and volatile to defend one's decision. It is with love and patience that families of many reverts have come back to them and live happily despite following different faiths now. In some case whole families have followed suit and embraced Islam too.

So from now on you are a practical living ambassador of Islam.  Who else other than you can know the difference between two faiths and how to invite others to Islam. Wish you very best of luck to Islam and fear not of the winding road full of turns and bumps, for faith in Allah will lead you to the straight path - the path to ultimate truth, happiness and blessing. In Sha Allah (God Willing) !!

To read personal accounts of many a celebrity who have reverted to Islam, please visit our page: Embracing Islam: Revert Experiences.

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Please share this page to your friends and family members through Facebook, WhatsApp or any means on Social Media so that they can also be benefited by it and better understand Islam and the Holy Qur'an - Insha Allah (Allah Willing) you shall be blessed with the best of both worlds.

Sunday 28 October 2018

Finding the Ultimate Truth - A Born Atheist finds in Islam

Most of the Muslims or for that matter that of any religion are born with the religion of their parents, myself included in the long list too, and generally do not strive to learn more about our faith of birth. But lately I started wondering what makes it for followers of other faiths to "revert" to Islam. And it was this aim in my mind, I started this blog of mine to know "The Ultimate Decision" of such people leaving their religion of birth behind and entering into the fold of Islam.

I came across many sites, mostly by the Christians, condemning Islam and lamenting that Islam coerces Christians to embrace Islam. I will someday quote some of these sites, which have tried to spread disinformation about Islam by quoting out of context verses of the Holy Qur'an to support their view point - I am amazed at such efforts wherein even the translation of the verses of the Qur'an have been twisted to make a point.

Sometime back, I shared the embracing of Islam by an Atheist who was earlier a born Catholic, which clearly shows that when a born Catholic could not find an answer to his questions in Bible, he chose to be become an Atheist for it did not require of him bondage with any religion. But even after denouncing everything and disbelieving in the existence of God or gods, many atheists find their answers in Islam. [1]

Today I am once again sharing the self confession of an atheist who was born to a Catholic family, but his parents raised him as an atheist for they too did not felt satisfied what Christians believed in.

I came across this video on Facebook and was amazed to listen to this young man's confession of how he has been wondering around in search of truth and how finally found his answers in Islam. This man from Australia looks visibly enlightened and one can understand the glow on his face for he was able to find the truth.

The last portion of the video is really very revealing and motivating. He says that having made the decision to revert to Islam, he wanted God to show him some sign that would be his final push to Islam. He said he sat in a candle lit room, and repeatedly asking for a sign - but was disappointed to find none. And then in desperation when he turned over the next page of Qur'an, there it was: The sign he was waiting for. I wont tell what was the sign, for it will spoil the spell with which one listens to his self confession.

Watch the video below of journey from Atheism to Islam in his own words:

I wish those finding truth and find faults in Islam, see this video and find out for themselves how to reach the truth - not by misguidance but striving to find the truth where it is contained: The Holy Qur'an and not sites which mislead a person to stop them from leaving their original faith and embrace Islam. May Allah always guide us on the straight path, the path of those who were blessed, and not the path of those upon whom the wrath of Allah fell or those who strayed away from the truth. [ Surah Al Fateha ]

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Please share this page to your friends and family members through Facebook, WhatsApp or any means on Social Media so that they can also be benefited by it and better understand Islam and the Holy Qur'an - Insha Allah (Allah Willing) you shall be blessed with the best of both worlds.

Friday 26 October 2018

Sinead O'Connor takes her Ultimate Decision to Embrace Islam

Everyday when a non Muslim reverts to Islam, the truth contained in the last Divine religion of Islam solidifies and adds yet another fortunate and blessed Muslim into its fold. And when someone form the show business embraces Islam, it adds yet another feather to the religion of Islam as from the pomp and show of the show business, entering Islam is really a hard and big decision that one makes. There have many many such examples in the past when singers at the top of their popularity graph decided to revert to Islam. I remember when my favourite singer Cat Stevens embraced Islam many years ago.

And today is yet another blessed day. When Irish singer Sinead O'Connor's song "Nothing compares 2 You" became a hit in the 1990s, she or other would have never know that the mere name of the song would one day mean to her: Nothing Compares 2 Islam. 

And today this hidden meaning of the song have surfaced to her surprise, though she many not draw a comparison the way I am describing, but Islam has finally become a way of life for the 51 years old singer.

While announcing her "Ultimate decision" to  renounce Catholicism and embrace Islam, Sinead O'Connor says: "This is the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian’s journey. All scripture study leads to Islam. Which makes all other scriptures redundant.” it may be added that O'Connor had changed her legal name to Magda Davitt last year. But now she has announced that henceforth she would be "Shuhada (which means ' martyrs' in Arabic) Davitt."

Connor's twitter message to her fans [3]

O'Connor was ordained a priest by a fringe Catholic group in 1990s and has been a devout Christian, has finally exhibited the truth that Islam is the way to be blessed, both in this world and in the hereafter. [1]

The revelation came twenty-six years after she made headlines around the world when she ripped up a photo of Pope John Paul the Second during an appearance on the Saturday Night Live show in October, 1992. [2]

In a video that has gone viral on the social media, Sinead O'Connor is seen trying the "adhan" - the Muslim call to pray (done five times a day). The video was captioned with: “Here is my 1st attempt at singing the adhan. I got some pronunciation (sic) wrong because emotions took me from my page… but there’ll be hundreds of others on stage to come …,” she wrote. And her effort is simply beautiful:

However, there has been a strong reaction from some of the Christians who have expressed shock over her decision and have rather condemned Islam "for taking advantage of a person with ill health and prevailing upon her." One person remarked: "Jesus Christ what a racket. She's really lost the plot this time." While another comments: "Notice she is wearing combat cammo," as if to show that with Islam comes militancy into her. And still one remarks: "One can see the insanity in her eyes." The last one I want to share here: "Lindsay Lohan and now Sinead O'Connor... oh noes! The west is losing all it's intellectuals to Islam!!!"

Embracing a new religion has never been easy and it takes real strength, conviction and guts to do it and Sinead O'Connor has done it very boldly and we really commend her. May Allah bless her.

To read personal accounts of many a celebrity who have reverted to Islam, please visit our page: Embracing Islam: Revert Experiences.

You may also refer to our Reference Pages for knowing more about Islam and Quran.

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Monday 8 October 2018

A Racist and Anti Islam Mindset finally finds Solace in Islam

My Ultimate Decision, the name and theme of my blog basically hinges about people of other faiths finally taking their Ultimate Decision of life by discarding their earlier faiths and embracing Islam. I have in the past shared circumstances and reasons by some of those who questioned their beliefs but did not find the satisfying answers till they voluntarily started reading about Islam and the Holy Qur'an when the truth started to unfold on them and took them into the final religion sent by Allah Almighty through Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

I have read many sites of Christianity which outrightly reject Islam as a Divine religion and trying to base their anti Islamic mindset - but when Islam provides answers to the very practicing Christians or those who have become racist with anti Islam mindset, many chose to be come practicing Muslims. In fact better than born Muslims.  

And this post today is of a man who was raised in a family where the father was extremely racist and anti Islam. Naturally, someone living in the United States where every incident of shooting is attributed to "Muslims fundamentalists" if the shooter turns out to be a Muslim and labelled as terrorist, but when a Christian does the same, he or she is simply shrugged of as a case of troubled family or bringing up,

Now back to the story of this young Christian who became a bully and extremely racist and anti Muslim and became was heavily involved in the racist neo-Nazi skinhead movement. But deep inside hi, he always felt bad about what he dis but continued doing so for it also pleased him hurting others. He confides that "I remember a Mexican schoolmate of mine asking me when I was 16 "why do you hang out with those losers, you are better than that." He was right, he recalls, but I guess there was a part of me that, even though I hated my father for what he was doing to the family, that I wanted to be just like him. That is where my racism and hatred came from.

Then by age of 23, he started to seriously think of changing and finding answers to keep his mind at rest. He says: 
During this time the Intifada was raging in Palestine. My father, racist and anti-Semite though he was, had always supported the Jewish state. I now think that he hated Jews, as well as any one else who wasn't white, but he hated the Arabs more than he hated the Jews, so that is why he supported Israel. As I was rethinking everything I was taught when I was younger I decided to take a closer look at this struggle in the Middle East.
So he started reading about history of Middle East and the Arabs, and Islam to see why his father so hated this religion. And as his insight into the Arabs, Middle East and Islam broadened, he started to find answers of the questions that he had had about religion. He says:
From the very beginning some things struck a chord with me and answered doubts I had always had concerning the religion I was raised in. I had always taken issue with the idea that God would ever have offspring. From my reading I recognized this belief as one pulled from pagan sources. Zeus, Odin, and numerous other pagan gods all had children. In the case of Odin, his followers even believed he hung on a tree, much like Christians believe that Jesus (PBUH) hung on a cross. Odinists, the name given to the followers of this ancient Northern European religion, also believed in a trinity of sorts formed by Odin, his son Thor, and his consort Freja. It was clear this innovation of the Christians did not have its basis in God, but in previous pagan beliefs.
The other issue that he had always struggle with was the concept of original sin. The idea that God could be so unjust as to hold himself and everyone else responsible for the sins of others who died thousands of years before me just seemed so unjust. He says:
I had a basic concept of God, and the idea He could be so unjust to do such a thing just did not sit well with me. It always seemed to me that Christians just didn't have the answer to these questions, and if they did, their answers just reinforced these unjust positions.
I looked to Judaism, but that religion offered more questions than answers as well. Their attitude towards the prophets, peace be upon them all, was disgraceful. Their religious texts accused these greatest of men of the most terrible crimes and I refused to believe God would pick such men to lead his people on earth.
If Judaism held such beliefs how could I look to them for guidance?
Reading more  about Islam was like finding a place of tranquility and solace for he finally came to the understanding that Islam had all of the answers, for understanding of Islam cleared up the confusion of the lie of the trinity, and asserted Jesus' (pbuh) true role as a prophet, and not the son of God. Islam revered all of the prophets, peace and blessings of God be upon them, and recognized them for the great people they were. In Islam, and the values it promotes, 

He saw the answer to his problems and questions, and the future of mankind. "The issue was to now try to implement Islam in my life," says Marc Springer, the narrator of his experience of other religions and finally coming home to the world of Islam - the final religion by Allah for the entire mankind till the Day of Resurrection.

Blessed are those like Marc Springer who having experienced their earlier faiths, questioned them and when found no answers, found the same in Islam, in the commandant contained in the Holy Qur'an and the teachings and way of life of the last of the prophets, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).  Marc Springer later married a Muslim woman with her ancestral linkage to Saudi Arabia and lives a happily married life in Washington DC.

You may read the complete narration of Marc Springer' change of faith from the source given below.

To read personal accounts of many a celebrity who have reverted to Islam, please visit our page: Embracing Islam: Revert Experiences.

You may also refer to our Reference Pages for knowing more about Islam and Quran.

Photo | Photo of Marc Springer courtesy Source
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Thursday 19 July 2018

I embraced Islam for I loved Jesus

Every personal account of someone embracing Islam is unique and special. I have shared many such accounts previously but this account is somewhat different from the rest. While others had found something peculiar in Islam and embraced it, here is an account of a young Australian Christian who embraced Islam because she loved Prophet Eesa (Jesus, peace be upon him) and found Islam closer to Christianity barring a major difference about Jesus.

She had no idea about Islam except a vague and faint image of Muslim women cloaked in heavy black covering from head to feet somewhere in the Middle East. She thought Muslim world was far from civilization where women rotted in the confines of their houses and had no rights and no careers. In fact she had not met a Muslim while in Australia and had no idea about another religion other than Christianity. All she read about Muslims was from the headlines showing Muslim terrorist and IS men beheading their captives and that they were responsible for 9/11.

And then she went to Malaysia for a University programme and her entire perception about status of women in Islam changed. "My eyes and mind were opened, when, as a journalism student, I did an article about Muslim women’s rights. That was the beginning of everything." She came across women of all ages wearing Hijab with mostly face open, while few had their face covered but still going about the business of life, working in offices and feeling happy about what they wore.

The more she interacted with fellow Muslim students, the more she knew of her ignorance about Islam. While doing an article on Rights of Muslim Women, she was amazed to find that, "Women have many rights in Islam! Muslim women are legally given rights (including divorce, land rights, monetary rights, the right to choose who to marry, etc) in the Qur’an and Hadiths hundreds of years before Western women won the same rights."

One day she went to a mosque and felt an immediate sense of calm and peace inside her. The call for prayer invoked feelings that she had never felt before. She confides that: "When I first bowed my head toward the Ka’aba, I felt home in my heart. I didn't convert to Islam in Malaysia – I did that over a year later – but it introduced me in a beautiful way to Islam and to the Oneness of God."

And that made things moving for her and she accepted Islam, though a year later and more and more readings about Islam and interacting with Muslims.

She then realized that Christianity was much closer to Islam, not only theologically but also historically. She came to know about many misconceptions about Islam but when she read about a letter written by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as to how Muslims should treat Christians with respect. It even said that if a Muslim man is married to a Christian woman, she cannot be stopped from praying in her place of worship.

She found out that Islam considers Jews and Christians as People of the Book for all three religions share the same Abrahamic roots. She was surprised to find mention of Jesus more than the mention of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). 

And then she came to know the major difference about the status of Jesus in Islam: "Take Jesus to be a prophet and not to be worshiped alongside God. Islam teaches the Oneness of God, and to worship Allah alone and we believe that Jesus taught this himself. The term ‘Allah’, by the way, is the Arabic word for ‘God’ and is not just an Islamic term. Arab Christians also call God ‘Allah’." 

Muslims consider all previous prophets as prophets of Allah and regard and revere them with respect. Even they believe in the three earlier scriptures (Psalms, Torah and Bible) as the divine scriptures. Only if Christians realize the difference of Jesus being a prophet and not a God, Islam and Christians can become one. 

To read personal accounts of many a celebrity who have reverted to Islam, please visit our page: Embracing Islam: Revert Experiences.

You may also refer to our Reference Pages for knowing more about Islam and Quran.

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Saturday 30 June 2018

Scriptural Contradictions lead a Jew to Embrace Islam

Each personal account of non Muslims embracing Islam is unique and worth listening to and reading. I came across this account of a Jew embracing Islam in the Arab News and this time the scriptural contradictions and the truth made this young man to embrace Islam. And reading his account I wonder why our faith leaders and scholar paint a picture that may ultimately lead to the truth which weightier and logical.

This young man Musa was 15 when he developed interest in other religions than his own that of orthodox Jews. He did not have many friends so he started having chat with different people of different faiths and even Muslims, discussing various queries that he had had about his own faith. 

One day while reading the account of Prophet Musa (Moses, peace be upon him) and his brother Prophet Haroun (Aaron, peace be upon him) in the Old Testament, he got puzzled as to how Prophet Haroun could have made the calf from the ornaments and gold pieces in the absence of Prophet Musa and lead his people to worship the gold calf. He wondered prophets don't commit sin and that too of idolatry and letting his people worship an idol. 

Read herein under how the incidence is mentioned in the Exodus Chapter 32 attributing the making of the gold calf to Prophet Haroun.

“Moses and the Golden Calf” Exodus Chapter 32

1. And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount, the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron, and said unto him, Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him.
2. And Aaron said unto them, Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me.
3. And all the people brake off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and brought them unto Aaron.
4. And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.
5. And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it; and Aaron made proclamation, and said, Tomorrow is a feast to the LORD.
6. And they rose up early on the morrow, and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play.
7. And the LORD said unto Moses, Go, get thee down; for thy people, which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves:
8. They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them: they have made them a molten calf, and have worshiped it, and have sacrificed thereunto, and said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.

He then searched for the truth in Quran and came read the explanation given in Qur'an which shows the truth - the truth that despite Prophet Haroun's stopping his people from making an idol, how his people defied the orders and commandments of Prophet Musa and got astray to the old practice of symbolizing idol of some animal or object as their gods.

Read herein under how Qur'an mentions the same episode with a difference - a difference that appeals to logic as prophets cannot commit sins and are aways guiding their people to the righteous path rather than walking their way:

The Qur’an “Moses and the Golden Calf” Sura Ta Ha 20

83. And what caused you to hasten from your people, O Musa?
84, He said: They are here on my track and I hastened on to Thee, my Lord, that Thou mightest be pleased.
85. He said: So surely We have tried your people after you, and the Samiri has led them astray.
86. So Musa returned to his people wrathful, sorrowing. Said he: O my people! did not your Lord promise you a goodly promise: did then the time seem long to you, or did you wish that displeasure from your Lord should be due to you, so that you broke (your) promise to me?
87. They said: We did not break (our) promise to you of our own accord, but we were made to bear the burdens of the ornaments of the people, then we made a casting of them, and thus did the Samiri suggest.
88. So he brought forth for them a calf, a (mere) body, which had a mooing sound, so they said: This is your god and the god of Musa, but he forgot.
89. What! could they not see that it did not return to them a reply, and (that) it did not control any harm or benefit for them?
90. And certainly Haroun had said to them before: O my people! you are only tried by it, and surely your Lord is the Beneficent God, therefore follow me and obey my order.
91. They said: We will by no means cease to keep to its worship until Musa returns to us.
92. (Musa) said: O Haroun! what prevented you, when you saw them going astray,
93. So that you did not follow me? Did you then disobey my order?
94. He said: O son of my mother! seize me not by my beard nor by my head; surely I was afraid lest you should say: You have caused a division among the children of Israel and not waited for my word.
95. He said: What was then your object, O Samiri?
96. He said: I saw (Jibreel - Gabriel) what they did not see, so I took a handful (of the dust) from the footsteps of the messenger, then I threw it in the casting; thus did my soul commend to me
97. He said: Be gone then, surely for you it will be in this life to say, Touch (me) not; and surely there is a threat for you, which shall not be made to fail to you, and look at your god to whose worship you kept (so long); we will certainly burn it, then we will certainly scatter it a (wide) scattering in the sea.

He feels that the 'facts' mentioned in the earlier scriptures may have been polluted or changed but the same facts remain unchanged in the Holy Qur'an.

He is also amazed to find many facts mentioned in the Qur'an which were only lately proved by science, like the development of human embryo:
“And certainly We created man of an extract of clay, Then We made him a small seed in a firm resting-place, Then We made the seed a clot, then We made the clot a lump of flesh, then We made (in) the lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, then We caused it to grow into another creation, so blessed be Allah, the best of the creators.” (Qur’an 23:12-14)
He then continues to talk of factors that finally led him to embrace Islam.  Here read in his own words:
Here is one of the key factors that led me to explore my heart to find the truth of life. In Arabic, the word Islam comes from salama which means "to submit"; "purity" and "peace" come from the same root. The person submits to the One, the Merciful, and the Most Beneficent Allah; whereas other religions are named after people: Judaism comes from the tribe of Judea, Christianity from Jesus Christ, etc. Islam is a word derived from a verb; anyone who submits to Allah and believes in all the prophets is a true Muslim. Many of the great prophets mentioned in the Old Testament lived prior to Judaism and Judea; they submitted to God, and therefore they were all Muslims. And we shall live as the prophets lived, for they were great human beings.
This account was shared when Musa was 15 years in 2015 and was cautiously living with his new faith in order to arrest any backlash that may occur from his parents and friends. I am sure by now he would be 18 and taken an open decision about his newly acquired faith.

I must commend this young teenager who at this early age of life has been able to critically analyze his book of original faith and the Holy Qur'an and then take his ultimate decision to change his faith. His clarity of thought really amazes me as even I who am a born Muslims have not been able to critically analyze even our own holy book and draw lessons for my life. 

He even leaves a beautiful message for all of us and those thinking of converting to Islam:
When studying Qur’an, my advice to you is to read it for yourself. Looking at biased websites, you are not able to see the full content of a verse. Through this whole experience I have discovered that I did not find Islam, I re-embraced Islam; nor did I convert, I reverted; and on my ride from darkness to light, it has only made me a stronger, more spiritual, and a better human being. May Allah guide us all to the truth that I was led to.
May Allah be always his protector and bless him with more knowledge and wisdom to inspire others to embrace Islam.

Photo | Source | Arab News |  Comparison Bible and Quran |
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